Animal Love at Loading Dock Gallery

Loading Dock Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell

Animal Love, Loading Dock Gallery’s April show, celebrates animals familiar and wild. Work ranges from abstracted to representational, and includes photography, sculpture, and collage. Animals mean so much to so many. Intelligent, resourceful, animals are our guides, teachers, and friends in this world.

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Chrysalis: Sylv Litz – Mini Gallery Show

5th Floor Mini Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell

This Mini Gallery Art Show can be found in our 5th Floor Mini Gallery, near studio 599. Featuring the work of Loft Artist Sylv Litz, a newcomer to our Western Avenue community. A series of upcycled works exploring evolution and growth.

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Watercolor: Controlled Chaos

Refuge Lowell 122 Western Ave. Studio #A110, Lowell

Watercolor has a reputation of being hard to control, with precision and detail difficult to attain. In this course, Lowell-based illustrator and painter Ashley Eisenman will help students to “learn to let go” and embrace watercolor painting as expressive, versatile, and fun. Through a varied set of classes, students will gain skills in the fundamentals of watercolor painting and composition, sketching, color mixing and choice, and how to create representational pieces from abstract beginnings. Students will be encouraged to experiment with a variety of subjects including abstract expressions, portraits of humans and animals, and pop-art.
