
Loading Dock Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA, United States

​Loading Dock Gallery invites you to share warmth and joy this November with Celebration, a show of fine art and craft for the holidays.  Celebration presents work inspired by this festive energy: the chance to rejoice, remember, and renew. Whether you enjoy large splashes or color or want a small gift, possibilities abound. Celebration includes woodworking, ceramics, photography, textiles, glass vessels, robots,


Spooky, Sci-Fi, Supernatural: A Celebration of the Strange

1st Floor Mini Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA, United States

A combination of borosilicate glass creatures and curiosities and deliciously bizarre paintings. Halloweenly delightful, spooky, fun and otherworldly. Curator: Tracy Levesque Participating Artists: Tracy Levesque, Peter Zimmerman, Hope Greene, Bruce Wood, Jay Hungate, Bill Hecht, Jack Snell. Covid-19 Guidelines: – Face coverings/masks are not required but recommended since some studios and businesses may require them



Loading Dock Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA, United States

​Loading Dock Gallery invites you to share warmth and joy this November with Celebration, a show of fine art and craft for the holidays.  Celebration presents work inspired by this festive energy: the chance to rejoice, remember, and renew. Whether you enjoy large splashes or color or want a small gift, possibilities abound. Celebration includes woodworking, ceramics, photography, textiles, glass vessels, robots,


Spooky, Sci-Fi, Supernatural: A Celebration of the Strange

1st Floor Mini Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA, United States

A combination of borosilicate glass creatures and curiosities and deliciously bizarre paintings. Halloweenly delightful, spooky, fun and otherworldly. Curator: Tracy Levesque Participating Artists: Tracy Levesque, Peter Zimmerman, Hope Greene, Bruce Wood, Jay Hungate, Bill Hecht, Jack Snell. Covid-19 Guidelines: – Face coverings/masks are not required but recommended since some studios and businesses may require them



Loading Dock Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA, United States

​Loading Dock Gallery invites you to share warmth and joy this November with Celebration, a show of fine art and craft for the holidays.  Celebration presents work inspired by this festive energy: the chance to rejoice, remember, and renew. Whether you enjoy large splashes or color or want a small gift, possibilities abound. Celebration includes woodworking, ceramics, photography, textiles, glass vessels, robots,


Spooky, Sci-Fi, Supernatural: A Celebration of the Strange

1st Floor Mini Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA, United States

A combination of borosilicate glass creatures and curiosities and deliciously bizarre paintings. Halloweenly delightful, spooky, fun and otherworldly. Curator: Tracy Levesque Participating Artists: Tracy Levesque, Peter Zimmerman, Hope Greene, Bruce Wood, Jay Hungate, Bill Hecht, Jack Snell. Covid-19 Guidelines: – Face coverings/masks are not required but recommended since some studios and businesses may require them


 A Collection Of Ceramic Art Made By Clay Artists At Western Avenue

2nd Floor Mini Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA, United States

 A collection of ceramic art made by clay artists at Western Avenue Curator: Liz Noonan Participating Artists: Carol Rissman, Samantha Foster, and Kate Cutlip. Covid-19 Guidelines: – Face coverings/masks are not required but recommended since some studios and businesses may require them for admission into their space. – Guests who are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms or



Loading Dock Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA, United States

​Loading Dock Gallery invites you to share warmth and joy this November with Celebration, a show of fine art and craft for the holidays.  Celebration presents work inspired by this festive energy: the chance to rejoice, remember, and renew. Whether you enjoy large splashes or color or want a small gift, possibilities abound. Celebration includes woodworking, ceramics, photography, textiles, glass vessels, robots,


 A Collection Of Ceramic Art Made By Clay Artists At Western Avenue

2nd Floor Mini Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA, United States

 A collection of ceramic art made by clay artists at Western Avenue Curator: Liz Noonan Participating Artists: Carol Rissman, Samantha Foster, and Kate Cutlip. Covid-19 Guidelines: – Face coverings/masks are not required but recommended since some studios and businesses may require them for admission into their space. – Guests who are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms or



Loading Dock Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell, MA, United States

​Loading Dock Gallery invites you to share warmth and joy this November with Celebration, a show of fine art and craft for the holidays.  Celebration presents work inspired by this festive energy: the chance to rejoice, remember, and renew. Whether you enjoy large splashes or color or want a small gift, possibilities abound. Celebration includes woodworking, ceramics, photography, textiles, glass vessels, robots,
