A Collection Of Ceramic Art Made By Clay Artists At Western Avenue

2nd Floor Mini Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell

 A collection of ceramic art made by clay artists at Western Avenue Curator: Liz Noonan Participating Artists: Carol Rissman, Samantha Foster, and Kate Cutlip. Covid-19 Guidelines: – Face coverings/masks are


Paintings and Masks

4th Floor Mini Gallery 122 Western Avenue, Lowell

A duo exhibition of paintings and masks. Curator: Margarita Krylova Participating Artists: TBA and  Margarita Krylova Covid-19 Guidelines: – Face coverings/masks are not required but recommended since some studios and


A Geography Of Change

First Floor WA

Introducing the Lowell Photo Archive, From Tools to Twilight, and Erosive Tension. Curator: Maxine Farkas Participating Artists: Maxine Farkas, John Boutselis, Jeff Caplan, Jack Holmes, Wendy James, Henry Marte, Jen

Featured Featured

January Open Art Studios

Western Avenue Studios & Lofts 122 Western Avenue, Lowell

Save the date for our January Open Studios event.
